Participant Review:

Patty Williamson

"Mitchell and I both made lifelong friends with people from different backgrounds and from all over"

· Reviews

Participant Review:

Patty Williamson

By: Patty Williamson - 29029 Everesting and IronHike Everest Finisher

My husband and I drove three days to get to Mohawk Mountain from Texas so that I could participate in a second Everest-height endurance event named IronHike. We looked forward to the road trip, time together, and the fact that it would be my husband Mitchell’s first time to be at one of my events. I was so grateful to have him along acting as my “crew of one,” and we discussed what that would be like for him. I told him he’d probably make some great acquaintances and get to know a few people. His response was, “I’m going to take care of you. I’m not making friends or chit-chatting or any of that stuff. I’m going to stick to myself and do my thing.” When we arrived at Mohawk the morning of the event, we instantly felt the relaxed, welcoming vibe. People were wandering around picking up their athlete packets, getting cups of coffee, and making connections with each other. We set up our tent, got our gear and supplies unloaded, and I started getting myself amped up for the 49 ascents I would need to make. Everyone was so friendly and chill – it reminded me of a family camping trip!

Once the national anthem was sung and the American flag was carried up the mountain, it was “Hikers away!” and I was all business. It’s a short hike to the summit, but definitely not one to be underestimated. The final stretch is brutally steep. Every time I got back to the base Mitchell gave me fuel or refilled my water. I noticed that he would break away from some of the guys at the base to come support me, and with each descent he was more and more engaged with them. He was laughing and enjoying himself immensely, and had already made some great connections. So much for not making friends! The IronHike team made him feel so welcome and at ease, and that carried over to others as Mitchell checked on athletes besides me and offered them whatever they needed. It made my heart so full!

Being on the mountain with elite athletes and weekend warriors, young people and those a little more “seasoned” like myself, all of us sharing the challenge we’d set for ourselves was just the best feeling. Everyone encouraged and cheered everyone else. There were people at the base cheering for me every single lap, and I can’t tell you how much that helped keep me motivated, especially during the wee hours of the morning with my headlamp on.

I achieved my goal of Everest after 49 grueling laps, and it felt amazing to toss that last wooden coin in the bucket that was filled with the coins and achievements of the other athletes. Mitchell and I both made lifelong friends with people from different backgrounds and from all over. Perhaps the most surprising thing of all is that Mitchell – someone who never liked hiking or even going for long walks – has signed up for an event with IronHike and is excited to go back. I can’t wait to crew for him the way he did for me, to see him achieve his goal, and to see all of our new tribe again.

Patty Williamson

"...we live our souls deepest desires not by intending to change who we are but by intending to be who we are." -- Oriah Mountain Dreamer