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    IronHike Event: Denali

  • Registration is Now Open!

    October 5th - 8th, 2024

    Mohawk Mountain, Cornwall, CT - USA

    Register for Fall 2024 - Denali

    June 5th - 8th, 2025

    Mohawk Mountain, Cornwall, CT - USA

    Register for Spring 2025 - Denali

  • Denali Event Details

    48 hours
    35 laps
    43.75 miles
    20,825 feet of elevation gain and loss

    Inspiration: Highest Summit in USA / North America
    Significance: This is the perfect "Damn-this-is-hard" weekend mountain trek! Get it done in 48 hours and get back to your other life on Monday.
    Participation: Individual Mountain Athletes, Trail Buddy, and Trail Teams
    Description: You will have 2 days to get up and down the mountain until you reach the elevation gain (and loss) equivalent to the tallest mountain in North America, located in south-central Alaska. This one is perfect for serious mountain athletes who want to invest a whole weekend.
    Type: Power-hike | Trail Run | Endurance Challenge | Ski Slope Loop | Ultra Distance

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